September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A little backstory-
    Alright so I’ve never really been a “book” person prior to this, but I gave my GRE today and learning verbal and all those new words was really exciting, although draining. It gave me a desire for becoming more fluent and well-spoken in the language.

    I’ve first posted this on the 52 books subreddit but they recommended me to post it here instead and also add the following information about myself. My (M) age is 21. My hobbies are football and watching movies. I’m mainly interested in fiction but I’m open to non-fiction as well if they’re really good.

    But now I’m just confused as to where start or what book to pick up. I have only ready Shutter Island and couple Percy Jackson books prior to this (although I don’t wanna pick the Percy Jackson series back up currently, maybe later though) and also a couple of football tactics books. I was surfing through posts in here and although I don’t really prefer non-fiction, How Not To Die looks like an interesting one and I’ve added it to my list. But what other books do you guys recommend, preferably fiction, unless said book is really famous and must-read (I’d like to start off with books that would be more accessible to me, as I’m a native speaker so yeah)? Thanks to you all in advance for the recommendations.

    by sakaforbukayo

    1 Comment

    1. For where to start, is there a library near you? Or any bookstores or thrift stores? You can go and just browse around, looking at books, reading the beginning or the synopsis on the back, or what I will sometimes do is type them into an internet search on my phone to read a bit more about them and see if they sound interesting.

      I have unfortunately not read many books that include sports. What kinds of movies do you like? We may be able to think of similar books. But from other posts here, these are books that seem popular among those who don’t read much:

      * Red Rising by Pierce Brown, first in a series

      * Books by Sarah Pinsker, who has an action-y, fun writing style

      * Books by Blake Crouch, who has a similar style but I personally like Pinsker’s writing more

      * Books by Alan Dean Foster. He’s written about a billion books, and some are novelizations of movies while others are his own original fiction.

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