July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! I’m in need of another suggestion: what books have you read that have a “gimmick” to them? Whether it be part of the plot or the structure of the story or something else. Books that seemed to have something unique about them that you maybe haven’t seen another book do.

    Books that are written in verse, or are told through letters, or are a story within a story within a story, a plot twist that changes the entire genre of the book, etc. is the type of thing I’m looking for. Some examples I can think of are how House of Leaves has multiple layers to the story or how I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid ends with the author suggesting you read the book again.

    Also, I know the word “gimmick” can have negative connotations but I don’t mean it as that. I just mean a book that did something out of the ordinary stylistically that made you take note and be like “huh, that was a weird little book.”

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    by Used-Cup-6055

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