July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'd love to read something in recognition of pride month, whether it's a story featuring LGBTQ characters, or it's not necessarily a part of the story, but the author is LGBTQ. Some of my favorite books are Bunny by Mona Awad, My year of rest and relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh, The Pisces by Melissa Broder, Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman, and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk – to give you the jist of my taste. And I just finished reading the Hobbit. I liked that, so I'm slowly opening myself up to fantasy, too.
    Also someone recently gifted my Dante and Aristotle discover the secrets of the universe, so that's on my bookshelf here at home (but if I should bump it up on my TBR and make that the pride month read, I'm open to it!)

    by SnooMacarons5664


    1. All of these are horror novels.

      What Moves The Dead – T. Kingfisher.
      What Feasts At Night – T. Kingfisher.
      The main character is nonbinary.

      The Worm And His Kings – Hailey Piper.
      Both the author and main character are Trans.

      The Book Of Queer Saints.
      It’s an anthology of horror stories written by LGBTQ authors about LGBTQ characters.

    2. Feline_Shenanigans on

      I’d suggest you check out the American Library Associations list of most frequently challenged and banned titles. Unfortunately, books with LGBTQ themes or authors have been increasingly challenged. Bonus: You can feel like a rebel chasing the forbidden ideas that small minded individuals consider dangerous or corrupting.

    3. abookdragon1 on

      Last summer I visited San Francisco during Pride month and picked up a book called The End of San Francisco by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore. The cover of the book originally drew me to it. But this memoir was actually quite riveting.

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