July 2024
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    Hey I am looking for a good book to read and thought reddit would be a good place to ask lol. I like books that revolve around fantasy I used to love to read but got out of it throughout my highschool years and want to get back into it. I used to read all of Rick Rioridans books like the olympus series so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I like a little bit of love in my books to lol

    by cuatrolovesreddit


    1. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders. Beautiful little book and there is magic involved. Coming of age theme, witches/ magic users in a modern setting, and then ultimately an environmental message story too.

      The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin is fantasy – mc has a powerful ability that sets her apart and makes others fear her. Themes include prejudice, womanhood, and motherhood. Setting is largely post apocalyptic and very epic. Written partially in the 2nd person! There are two sequels if you like the first. All three won Hugo awards.

      Song of Achilles and Circe, by Madeline Miller. Not typical fantasy per se, but you mentioned Percy Jackson so I’m guessing you like Greek mythology. These two books are a sort of fresh spin on parts of the Iliad and the Odyssey, respectively. There is definitely some love, especially in Song of Achilles! The gods are depicted in these books and Circe wields magic, so I suppose it’s fairly fantasy in that respect.

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