September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi gang

    I’m hoping you can help me. On my walk from the bus stop to work I’ve been chatting a bit with an old man that I run into. He has a beautiful and very friendly golden retriever that likes to give me a big hug and he is kind enough to let me pet her and have our little moment. I am a huge animal lover without a dog of my own ( I have two spoiled and territorial cats instead) and I work a difficult job in healthcare so his warmth and friendliness has meant a lot to me. He is an avid reader and told me he spends his days reading and does not own a tv. I want to get him a book as a gift so I’ve been looking through my book collection and the problem that I’m running into is all the classics that I own and enjoy have some kind of sexual content at some point or very mature themes that I don’t feel comfortable with in this scenario. All of my favourite authors (Plath, Carver, Bukowski, etc.) have these themes in their works that I have read. He has had a stroke, has some ongoing health issues, and I wanted to add my contact info in the book offering for him to reach out to my husband and I if he needs any assistance as he is isolated and lives alone. I just don’t want to add anything inappropriate into this very wholesome relationship. Lmk what you think and thanks for reading this long post. I appreciate your help.

    by kiab123

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