July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I finish a book and start a new one, I typically pick up several before choosing- read 5 or 10 pages and decide I will read it at another time. Sometimes I won't read for a week or two for this reason. I am just finishing Treasure Island and will pick up a new one in the next day or two.

    I tend to prefer books not set in present day- could be futuristic, apocolyptic, or classic, or books written in modern day that are set in the past. I tend to prefer books with pleasing prose, and if it lacks this than it must make up for it with good character development or a fast paced plot that draws you in. Bonus points if it's not on a top 50 book of all time, because if it is I am likely well aware of it. Fire away!

    by jcoffin1981


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