July 2024
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    1. Caleb_Trask19 on

      Punkzilla by Adam Rapp, this one’s obvious, but I would put a few of his books in that category.

    2. Andrew Vachss’ Burke series gives me this vibe. Especially the early ones. _Blossom, Strega, Blue Belle, Sacrifice_, and so forth 

    3. ArnokTheMadWizard on

      Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman. The entire earth is converted into a dungeon game show by an alien corporation, and the contestants? Why, the humans living on the planet of course! Or at least, most of the ones that survived the collapse. The theme of the story is all about trying to push back and fight against a corrupt system that only wants to use you to generate revenue while you try not to get stabbed, eaten, crushed, and have other various means of bodily harm done to you by the denizens of the dungeon.

    4. unmaredDlite on

      A Cigarette Lit Backwards by tea hacic-Vlahovic for sure!!! Also her first book but slightly less so, Life of the Party.

      Eve babitz feels sort of punk, in a groupie way. I loved her book Slow Days, Fast Company The World, The Flesh, and LA. Also read Black Swans but wasn’t as into it.

      Notes of a Crocodile by Qui Miaojin

      No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai felt sort of punk bc of its outsider themes and underground culture

      Also one of my all time favorite thrillers, Other People’s Clothes by Calla Henkel

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