July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, great people!

    Well, the title says it all. I would like some recommendations of novels that have the feel, depth, and epicness of LotR but are not fantasy, but rather science fiction, preferably space operas.

    I've read books by Frank Herbert, Isaac Asimov, Alastair Reynolds, Joe Haldeman and Lois McMaster Bujold, to name some authors. From the older classics, I enjoy Jules Verne tremendously.

    The recommended books can be a blend of science fiction and fantasy as well. I don't have an example in mind exactly when it comes to novels, but as a setting, if you've ever played Starfinder (the TTRPG), it would be something to that effect: supernatural powers (some may call it magic) in space.

    Thank you!

    P.S. What I'm not looking for are time-travel stories. Sorry if I come across as too picky.

    by Fortian93

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