July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want a book that will make me self aware through the reading. That being said, I don't want it to be a set of instructions about how to become more self aware. I would rather prefer it to be a story or something that would ignite self aware realisations in me but not directly advise me. It should be an engaging and good read.

    by Any-Law-5703


    1. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      I think this is a big ask for a fiction book.

      Being self-aware is a skill which requires you to be reflective. I don’t think one particular story is going to raise that self-awareness unless you’re reflecting upon yourself while reading it (therefore requiring you to have the skill) and often that connection is dependent on the book’s content relating to you in some way. No fiction book is going to inherently train you to use a skill you don’t already have.

      So my suggestion would be to read books that resonate with your personal situation closely (and therefore will apply to you in more literal ways) and try to focus on reflecting upon them – how they connect to you, how you feel about the events and how the characters come across etc.

      It isn’t something one book is going to ignite. It’s going to come with a breath of reading. And books don’t necessarily need to be literally comparisons, but they will obviously be easier to draw comparisons.

    2. No-Complex2853 on

      I am not sure what you mean by self aware – aware of yourself or aware of society and your surroundings?

      Perhaps some fiction that expressly tackles or subverts societal roles and expectations might be a way to reflect on things you take for granted.

      The Road – Cormac McCarthy

      Prophet Song – Paul Lynch

      The Left Hand of Darkness – Ursula K Le Guin

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