July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m starting to write a scifi discovery story that centers around a crew discovering a planet with life. I’d like some suggestions of similar books so I can really delve into the conventions and learn the tropes and some of the iconic stories in the genre.

    I already read treasure Island, and the 2005 kong kong novelization! Similar to those and stories that deals with the drama of a ship crew/team, scifi or otherwise! Thank you bunches, guys!

    by i_love_everybody420


    1. novel-opinions on

      {{Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir}} was an interesting take on alien lifeforms and how humans might interact with/study them. However, it’s just one dude in a spaceship, so not a “crew”. Nonetheless, I feel like it was creative twist in terms of what “lifeforms” may be out there.

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