October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So my LD gf is visiting my country in the coming month. We decided to gift each other one book. Something we have read before. We don’t usually read fictional, fantasy or romance books (we both use to read em back in the day but ig we grew out of that phase) and I don’t wanna gift her a self help or physiology book. Cuz we both like this genre so we read these books normally a lot. I wanna gift her a romance book with a romance story or something related to love where I can underline stuff and write notes for her when I read and give her. I will ofc read it first and then gift her. Any suggestions on such books are welcome.
    This is my first time gifting someone a book so I’m kind off nervous and idk what to do xd
    People who gifted their partners on some point in life, any suggestions or advices are welcome.

    by OsamaBinLagging911

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