July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i just finished the series i’ve been reading (on and off with other in between) for two years now, and i have no idea where to go from here. after everytime i finish a book i always feel like “i’ll never find another book again, how am i even supposed to find a book? i don’t know how to do that.” which of course is silly because i always do find another book, but i hate this in between period.

    ive just finshed the Soomie Stackhouse books which were way out of left field for me compared to anything else i’ve best read, but i found that i liked them the way i like trashy tv, they’re mind numbing, and easy to consume.

    i love john green but ive never found any other YA or “romance” books that i particularly enjoy.

    i loved darren shan as a kid, “cirque du freak” were my all time favorite series for years (still ate i suppose)

    id love to start a new series so as to stave off this having-to-find-a-new-book thing for a while but i’m open to any suggestions!

    so, what’s your favorite series? or a book you think everyone should read, im looking to feel hooked! i want that feeling of not being able to put it down ya know?

    by Relative_Tourist148


    1. Same author Midnight Texas . Kim Harrison The Hollows series. Very good on audio also.

    2. SlideItIn100 on

      I LOVE the Sookie Stackhouse series! Try the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich.

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