September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    So I read some handegg-centric web fiction recently and fell in love, but the next sequel is delayed indefinitely. And yet I crave more!

    For those who haven’t read either story, I’m looking for optimistic, cosy and perhaps slightly absurd(ist) sci-fi (fantasy too, btw), lovable ensemble casts and/or some mild philosophical ponderances. I want to melt in my seat with a cheesy grin as a somewhat sarcastic robot proclaims to my dumb arse some or other universal truth.

    Other stories I enjoy (that may not necessarily fit the prompt but whatever) include the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Good Omens and the webcomic Questionable Content. As an English major on a book sub I’m also legally obligated to mention some classic, so there you go: Jane Eyre.

    One last thing: I know this is a book sub, but if you know any other media that hits at some of these beats, feel free to send them my way! Okthxbye!

    by substanceissecondary

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