July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For instance, I’m reading Fourth Wing. Admittedly, I don’t read a ton of fantasy but I read enough to enjoy the genre and can generally suspend any disbelief and get taken away in a story. However, I got really stuck on their world still using our Gregorian calendar system. She even makes a dumb comment like, “That’s just a Tuesday morning for me.” As well as another reference to August and November.

    It’s not a big deal and the story is fine so far but I hate when I’m pulled out of a story because of a small decision like that. Perhaps I’m more aware as I’m listening to the audiobook. Anyway, just curious what that pet peeve is for you.

    by LosNava


    1. EarthlingCalling on

      When the character is a writer or wannabe writer. Instantly makes me think it’s a self-insert for the author and breaks my immersion.

    2. MealyMachine on

      T Kingfisher has a way of creating a mood and then adding humour to it that always feels out of the blue and thus out of place when it first appears. I’ve only read three of her books and all three have done it; every time it’s pulled me right out of the book.

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