July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for a book that keeps you hooked and that is easy to consume, yet expects something from a reader. I just finished Piranesi and it was second book I binged after Kazuo Ishiguro’s Remains of the Day. I have also enjoyed Kurt Vonnegut. Dosto and McCarthy are currently in reading but lord they are heavy – so looking something lighter in between!

    In a book I value easy/reader-friendly reading experience but complex themes and characters. I am not too genre picky, only pure romance is not flying. Magical realism is bit interesting, especially after I realized how much I enjoyed Piranesi.

    Do you have any good Lit Fic ones to recommend? It would be cool if book would be somewhat modern and even a bit ”odd pick”. Suggest me your favorites, even weird ones!

    by BainterBoi

    1 Comment

    1. Ugh-screen-name on

      Tommy Orange is listed on a best 2024 literary fiction  for the new book “Wandering Stars”.  I haven’t read it yet, but I really liked his debut book  “There, There” published in 2018

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