July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Our poor Little Free Library has become a dumping ground lately for a local “activist” hellbent of spreading the “truth” about _______ (fill in the blank with various QAnon-style hate/fear missives…you can probably imagine the titles).

    I’m going to invest in some alternative selections. I’m seeking stories, not lectures – fiction or light/funny/nonpartisan nonfiction essay collections. The best you’ve ever read. Books that lightened your load, brightened your day, or made you feel more hopeful and loving toward humanity. Books that made you laugh and that you couldn’t wait to share with a friend. Books that made you want to rush out and hug someone.

    Two more additional caveats to this Little Free Revival challenge:

    —I will include a few older staples, but I’d love to buy some fresher, modern selections that aren’t necessarily harkening back to the “good old days.”

    —To stock up on funny, I’m also going to buy books by some of my personal fav authors like David Sedaris, Helen Ellis, etc. But we do live in a more conservative-minded place, and I’d love to find some really funny books that aren’t snarky, edgy, or dealing with sex, addiction, etc.

    by ModerateExtremism

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