July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey yall, I've recently gotten back into reading after a few years of not having the time and am really struggling to find a book that strikes me like the ones I read when I was younger. One of my favorite series when I was a kid was the Summoner trilogy by Taran Matharu. I recently started to read Infinity Son by Adam Silvera since I read most of his books when I was younger but it struck me as quite childish (no shade to Silvera, he's a great writer, I just outgrew the simplicity of the writing and want something grittier and more adult if that makes sense?)

    To be clear I am not looking for adult in the way of smut or "adult themes" in that way, just that I don't want the story to be watered down or written in such simple terms as I read when I was younger. If anyone has any suggestions for a dark fantasy or just more mature fantasy novel or series I'd really appreciate the suggestion!

    by SaturnAmaris

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