July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Basically what the title says. I have a really hard time getting into fiction for some reason, but read this a few summers ago and loved it so much I read it again last summer. It just felt so realistic and like the way I would talk to a friend and vice versa. It made me wonder if this was semi-based on her own life experiences, because it felt totally plausible. I really can’t stand Colleen Hoover and a lot of other popular fiction authors I’ve tried to read recently because it just seems too cheesy/ fake/ cringey in my head… like I either can’t get past feeling like “this would never happen!” Or “who SAYS that?” It’s like I can’t enjoy reading books sometimes because I’ll get so hung up thinking that to the point where I can’t even visualize the characters or the plot happening in my head (which is like the whole point of reading right?).

    I’ve always really enjoyed reading people’s memoirs- right now I’m reading Carly Simon’s Boys in the Trees. It doesn’t even have to be someone super serious either- I breezed through Brandi Granville’s, Naya Rivera’s, Chelsea Handler’s, Lauren Conrad’s, Jennifer Sey’s, etc. Even if I know the celebrity probably didn’t do a lot of the writing him/herself, I enjoy reading those types of books because I feel like the storylines are at least plausible and I can easily imagine it playing out in my head (even if it’s fabricated by publicists and agents and whatnot- which I’m sure a lot are).

    I feel like Tell Me Lies felt similar in the sense that it just felt like reading one of those memoirs, and I’m sure there HAS to be other fiction novels out there that are equally as believable and realistic. I just haven’t found anything that compares yet but I LOVED how sucked in I was. Haven’t had that feeling since!

    Any recommendations appreciated ◡̈

    by bugbytee

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