Hi guys, hope you all are well.
Lately I am finding very hard to stay concentrated and have my full attention while reading. It's because I am going through a rough time in my life and cant seem to stay motivated doing anything. This was not the case before, i have finished numerous amount of books over the years. I like to read all kinds of books non-frictions, frictions etc. Currently, I am reading Man's search for meaning and although it's a pretty easy book to digest or understand I found at times my mind is completely elsewhere.
I would like to ask you all to suggest me books which is written in Narrative style easy to read and not too lengthy. The last books I really enjoyed was Project Hail Mary, and When breathe becomes Air (although that book was heart breaking). You could also suggest me some Non-frictional books , I was thinking of reading SAPIENS but not sure how hard will that be to read. I hope you all get the picture, I am pretty sure one of you felt or feeling the same way I am now.
Thanks again for your help, I wish you all nothing but happiness in Life. Happy Reading
by Apprehensive-Gur2030