July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone, an article came out yesterday by the Financial Times and within, it’s stated that there are 750,000 preorders of House of Flame and Shadow.
    I don’t see anyone talking about it but that’s insane.

    I’m not an author, just a reader.
    There are many other authors I find inspiring but I’ve been reading Sarah’s books for years. People are being very rude in the comments for some reason. I appreciate all other authors too.

    So lets say Sarah makes 10% of the profits for
    just those 750,000 pre-orders.

    Now this book ranges in price depending on the retailer. I’m currently seeing between $27 to $32. Though Amazon has it on sale right now.

    Let us use the lowest base. $27.

    $27.00*750,000= $20,250,000 – AKA 20 million, 250 thousand dollars. Imagine Sarah only gets 10% of that after her publisher, agent, editor, cover artist, etc. get their money.

    That’s $2,025,000. 2 million, 25 thousand dollars going to Sarah.

    That is just for preorders. Imagine how many copies will be bought in person?

    All this is to say: The amount Sarahs career has grown throughout the years is beyond comprehension. She’s practically keeping Bloomsbury afloat if we’re being honest.

    So what’s my point in all this? She started writing Sailor Moon fan fiction when she was just 16 years old, and it has all grown into THIS. 

    She took one thing she loved and played with it as a hobby and rolled it into this.

    Her lighthearted fantasy novels are beloved by some, viewed as “eh” by others, and detested by others.

    Yet all things considered,she epitomizes success.

    You feel like there’s one thing you can accomplish, even if you have no faith in yourself ever? Follow that one thing. No matter how small it is. No matter how hard it is.

    Have faith. Embrace your aspirations. Ultimately, what you don’t have can’t be lost. You can only prosper.

    by Maleficent_Log5258


    1. Isn’t that the number that retailers ordered from the publisher?
      I doubt book stores will sell all of that.
      Still, that’s a lot of pre-orders.

      Remember Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter? It only had 185k backers (but that was for four books). Guess Brandon Sanderson isn’t even in Sarah J. Maas’ league.

    2. Cherry picking success stories as motivation porn always feels so icky to me. I’m sure some people find this meaningful. But I need a bit more nuance and realism to feel motivated.

    3. I’m not a fan of her work, just not my taste, but damn can that girl hustle. She puts books out regularly, she knows what her fans like, seems like she’s good at twists (from what I’ve heard) and it looks like she exploded overnight but she really did put the work in.

      Good for her. Inspiring for all of us to keep at it.

    4. Her books are not my style, but you have to give credit where credit is due – the woman works her ass off and (as far as I’m aware) she puts a new book out at least every other year if not more often than that, and these are big books too from what I can tell.

      She has a huge fanbase and as far as I’m concered books are books and reading is reading, and Ms Maas must have gotten a lot of people who wouldn’t ordinarily read into the medium which is only a good thing.

      Personally I like to see success stories like these, yes they aren’t too common, but its cool to see someone passionate about what they do, work hard and then see it pay off. Its inspiring.

    5. Isn’t a lot of that the whole “different bonus chapters in different books” thing, or am I thinking of some other book/author?

    6. I would like to point out the approximately 99.99% of the population who also work hard, many at their passions, who don’t win the random lottery and become millionaires doing what they love.

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