September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My boyfriend keeps saying he has read the beginning of what seemed to be a “good” series aimed towards teens possibly, but never glt the chance to finish the series.

    From what he can remember it was a zombie apocalypse book, where there is an outbreak and adults turn first. You can turn from a zombie bite, but there also seemed to be a certain age where you would turn regardless.

    He has also mentioned that there is a point in the series where they turn a mansion into a fortress as well.

    There was a house with a really large zombie that was stuck in a tunnel because the house was a huge mess and it tunneled it’s way around the house.

    That is all the information he is able to recall should anyone have read something that sounds familiar please let us know!

    by FinishSuccessful

    1 Comment

    1. RadioactiveBarbie on

      You should share this is r/whatsthatbook which is the subreddit for these types of inquiries!

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