July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just need to tell someone how much I love this book. I think it’s the saddest thing I ever read.i just finished it and I’ve been ugly crying on my bed for about half an hour.

    I lost my mum two years ago after an unexpected, short and brutal illness, and it happened about 10 months after COVID hit the uk. This book has torn me up. All the grief and fear I’ve kept locked up in my chest is pouring out.

    There’s so much love in this book that’s never truly expressed to the characters. There’s so much lonliness, and so much loss. But I think the theme that individuals, no matter how insignificant they appear or feel, actually matter even in tiny ways. In the smallest way, a nameless or faceless person can have so much impact on another. I think that’s what’s making me cry and cry. And I miss my mum so much.

    by lolalululolalulu

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