November 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I grew up in a pretty conservative household. Sex was referred to as "The Marriage Act" by my mom and never just "sex," and because of that, as well as other factors, I basically still in a large way see sex as something sinful, unhealthy, shameful, and dirty.

    When I think about other people I know having sex, there's a part of me that's repulsed by it and another part of me that feels jealous and left out because I feel like that's a party I wasn't invited to. (Not their literal sexual adventures, lol, but more of this feeling like I have all of these hang-ups about sex that I can't just see it as something that I and my partner especially both want to do)

    I feel like a stunted child surrounded by capable adults.

    So anyways, I'm looking for books to help me challenge my views and start to see sex as a more normal and biological process that every sex and gender can enjoy, and that it's not this thing that needs to be "saved" for marriage, or something that women don't enjoy but only do because the man likes it.

    I'm familiar with Dr. Darrel Ray's book, "Sex and God" that I'll probably give a re-listen to, but also hoping to get other recommendations, as well.


    by charizardwasmydad

    1 Comment

    1. lightspeedinterwebs on

      i don’t know how relevant as i haven’t yet read this but i’ve been meaning to:

      come as you are by emily nagoski 🥀

      it was recommended to me by a friend and she said it helped her move past a lot of sexual stigma & shame that was passed down to her from her family & culture.

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