July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am done feeling sorry for myself about poor me and how it’s not my fault being born like this and how life is so unfair and what not. I have ADHD? Okey this is the hand of cards given to me so I better start playing.

    With that in mind, I am looking for books aimed at people with ADHD that focus mostly in strategies and methods I can implement to get shit done and maybe use the positive aspects of ADHD to my benefit.

    I am not looking for touchy feely stuff that reads in that self-help style of writing that seems more aimed at making you cry than actually giving you a helping hand.

    Right now I am reading ADHD 2.0, which isn’t too bad but at times it feels kind of pseudo-sciencey with the stuff it promotes and reads like a long ADDitude article, with all the negative baggage that comes with that. I haven’t been able to find a lot of material so far so I am going to stick with it for now.

    Any suggestions that you think I should try ? Thanks in advance.

    by Pollomonteros


    1. **Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD** by Susan C. Pinsky 🗂

      **Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder** by Edward M. Hallowell MD, and John J. Ratey MD 📋

      **Your Life Can Be Better, Using Strategies for Adult ADD/ADHD** by Douglas A. Puryear MD ✍

      Embracing the journey to self-improvement takes immense courage. Wishing you all the best!

    2. **Atomic habits**. I avoided this book for a long time because I thought for sure it was just a book for neurotypical people and wouldn’t work for my adhd, but my god was I wrong. Would highly recommend.

      **The Bullet Journal Method** by Carroll Ryder is another book I highly recommend because it has helped so many of my adhd issues like executive dysfunction, memory issues, etc. It just made my day-to-day life 100x easier. The creator has adhd also and created this method over many years specifically to help with that.

      **Deep Work** by Cal Newport made me go from struggling to study at least a few minutes every day to easily studying at least an hour every day, so something about the book worked even if on the surface it didn’t seem super helpful to me while reading.

      If you like collecting knowledge and want something to help organise your memory I would also really recommend **Building a Second Brain** by Tiago Forte. I tried lots of organisational systems but this book is what finally made things work and click for me, especially since it’s a pretty flexible system that you can change to suit your needs and it’s not just focused on hoarding information but also actually using it.

    3. *Stolen Focus* –Johann Hari

      *Spark* –John Ratey

      *Why We Sleep* –Matthew Walker

      *Waking Up* –Sam Harris

      *How Not to Diet* –Greger

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