My girlfriend (25f) has only ever read one book in her life, but I've managed to convince her it's a really fun hobby that she should give a shot. We talked a bit about what kind of book might appeal to her most, so that she actually enjoys reading and sticks with it, but, unfortunately, her preferences don't line up with an area I have a lot of knowledge to give her recommendations. So, I was hoping y'all could help
Her preferences include:
Something that's easy to read. She's quite dyslexic and has a short attention span, so it can't be anything too dense. I originally thought maybe a young adult book, but she also said she didn't want anything too predictable
Something written by a female author. Doesn't necessarily have to be a female main character, she just wants a more female perspective
She's not super in to sci-fi, fantasy, or history, so would ideally want a really compelling story set in either our current world, or a fictional world very much like it
She doesn't want anything super romancy, and in general loves true crime, so maybe a more "real" story would be good
All recommendations highly appreciated, thanks!
by SoloSammySilva
Something by Agatha Christie maybe?
Ebook so she can use dyslexia friendly font- or audiobook and headphones so she doesn’t have to sit still to read