September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Fantasy book not longer than 600 that has a gay relationship as a main part of the book and isn't afraid to be gay. Or maybe even just a romance book with an interesting plot. Idk gay s*x book and cool protagonists lol

    by Strugglingmathlearn


    1. Strugglingmathlearn on

      And I like the stereotypical gay relationships like how a millennial straight woman would write it 

    2. stella3books on

      You might be interested in “A Companion to Wolves” by Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear. I think the authors were trying to approach it as a “let’s take slash fiction seriously” angle, and it created a pretty unique trilogy. Like the idea is to accept a few wackadoodle premises, then try to build a decent plot around it without breaking immersion.

      Anyways, plot is that vikings psychically bond with giant wolves to fight trolls. When the wolves mate, the vikings have to have gay sex, because that’s just how logic works in these worlds. The protagonist of the first book is a young warrior deciding how much he fits into this world and who will be his official boyfriend, things evolve in the subsequent books.

    3. NotACanadianMoose on

      So it’s a bit 80s (with some 80s) issues but The Last Herald Mage has a gay protagonist if you’re into fantasy

    4. Strange-Internet763 on

      I’ve been reading the Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara and it’s been a great series so far. I highly recommend it. There’s 5 books:

      1. The Wolf at the Door
      2. The Wolf at Bay
      3. Thrown to the Wolves
      4. Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
      5. Cry Wolf

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