October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to be a voracious reader, but fell out of the habit years and years ago, and now have no idea what's good out there – would welcome suggestions.

    Below are my all-time favorites, in case it serves as a guide. 🙂

    John Irving (specifically Garp and Hotel New Hampshire)
    Wally Lamb (specifically She's Come Undone and I Know This Much is True)
    Augustin Burroughs (pretty much everything pre 2010 or so)
    Hubert Selby and Cormac McCarthy (but need to be in a mood for their styles)
    The Kite Runner
    East of Eden [I know, I know, but I truly do love it]
    We Need to Talk About Kevin
    Just Kids (Patti Smith)
    This Book is Full of Spiders
    American Gods
    White Oleander
    Ready Player One

    There are others (I'm already realizing I forgot several), but this may provide a sense of my general taste. I tend not to enjoy sci-fi [RPO/Spiders excepted] or book series, though am open to them; I definitely have a preference for a good, dense fiction story and excellent writing. Something that I'll lose hours in and close feeling completely disassociated from the world around me once I close it – that's my jam.

    Anything new (for me, "new" is probably the past 15 years) that might hit the spot for me? Do you have any go-to books you always recommend?

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    by ofthrees

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