July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know many do not like HP and feels there are many better books, I’m new to fantasy and HP was one of my early series. Since then I’ve tried Brandon Sanderson, Hobbit and few other fantasy books. None of them are giving that ‘I’m in their world’ feel. At this point, I believe re-reading is the only way to experience the same joy. Anyone felt the same way? Did you manage to find anything similar or close atleast?

    by IllFeature3952


    1. erinaceous-poke on

      I was a big HP fan growing up and Outlander is the first series to make me feel the same way that HP did. It has some fantasy elements (time travel) but is mostly historical fiction/romance.

    2. Hp is my favorite, I read the whole series like four times. I also didn’t enjoy Brandon Sanderson it was meh. “Hunger games” was a great read and definitely try “the name of the wind”!

    3. bibliotekskatt on

      I think Lord of the Rings would give you more of that feeling than The Hobbit, but it can be a bit of a struggle to get in to the first book.

      For something a bit similar to Rowling in tone (especially the first books), maybe you would like Diana Wynne Jones? Howl’s Moving Castle is her most famous book.

      Have you tried Robin Hobb’s Assasin’s Apprentice? It’s nothing like Harry Potter but I remember being very engrossed in it.

      It’s not fantasy but The Hunger Games is a real page turner set in an interesting world, it might be worth a try if you haven’t read it.

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