July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For quite a while now, I've been reading books on psychology. Right now, I've come to a point where any new book I read feels like a reiteration of something I've already read. I am somehow able to explain 90% of the problems I face in these terms. Everything's working suspiciously well. What I'm afraid of is the possibility that this is The Dunning-Kruger in play. What I need is a book that might sort of expand my domain or introduce me to different opinions.

    The major books that I read recently are:

    1. Thinking fast and slow
    2. The Expectation effect by David Robson
    3. The black swan by NNT
    4. Emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman
    5. Why we sleep by Matthew Walker
    6. Influence
    7. Psychology of money (this felt like the black swan's literally version.)
    8. The blank slate by Steven Pinker
    9. Everything is f*cked by Mark Manson (this is the one that started my journey.)
    10. These are the best ones but a list of nine books felt weird so here's a tenth one lol.

    by Human_Capital_2518

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