July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    id like a book that tells a story of a girl that feels alien either bc she is an actual alien or for any other reason. Maybe she is in an abusive relationship at home, maybe she is the only one that can save humanity, maybe she is just a sad goth with an attitude. Don’t care if it’s happy/sad/scifi. Always here for a crazy twist.

    I read one door away from heaven recently and I loved the girl in that book.

    I also recently watched beastly, look away, & split and vibed with all of those too.

    Thanks fellow worms.

    by mindseyebullsye


    1. I’m not well read in that genre, but Girl on a Train and Millenium Trilogy comes to my mind. Maybe too cliched…

      1Q84 also has some lonely girl vibe – >!but book doesn’t revolve around that theme alone!<.

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