September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Great to see!

      >including Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” which was the most-challenged book in Texas in 2022.

      This sure challenges (hah) a few of the right-wing narratives about the reasons behind this wave of bans.

      ^(Also, inb4 “if they can do this without being sent to Death Row the books aren’t actually banned”)

      edit: literally minutes after my inb4, lol

    2. Note that the ‘banned’ books they’re talking about are ones freely sold in any bookstore and available in public libraries based on standard principles of demand. Moreover, they’re distributing these books at places where they are already available.

      So this is really the definition of ‘useless posturing’.

    3. You know Abbott will have a SWAT team raid this thing and tase everyone within 100 yards of it… then pile the books and take a flamethrower to them… just ’cause “owning the Libs”.

    4. Man we are really using the term “banned books” liberally now huh? Being removed from school curriculum =/= a banned book.

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