September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    OK, this might be heresy to some, but I can't stand the way Dumas writes. Knowing in some instances he was paid by the line doesn't help any. I'm not really big on the 1800-1850s romance writing style in general, the prose reads clunky, it's overly verbose, and just unwieldy.

    That said, I absolutely adore the D'Artagnan Romance stories. Everything about 'em. And the fact my boyfriend is so deeply into (particularly Count of Monte Cristo, so if you know an abridged of it worth a half dang…?) the writings of Dumas, I feel I need to revisit the books I haven't read since high school some 20+ years gone now.

    I just can't get around his PROSE. So what I'm asking, I guess, is for the D'Artagnan Romances, and probably the Count of Monte Cristo, in abridged form. Preferably in either eBook or tradpub format (if audiobook is all that's available, I'll take that too, I s'ppose). Any help is greatly appreciate it!

    by Diego2112Gaming

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