July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finished Gilead by Marilynne Robinson recently and really enjoyed it. It reminded me of those rare times when it would be just me and my dad and he would tell me stories of his from his past, about himself, our family, his personal philosophy, etc. It made me miss my dad and I wish that we had more times like those before he passed. The book is in first person POV and you see that there's so much he wants to tell his son, but he's biding his time (his son is only eight) while knowing he doesn't have much time, so he write it all down. I felt my dad was the same way, like there were things he wanted to teach me, wanted me to know, but was waiting until I was old enough, mature enough, to understand him, I guess. In a way, if feels like he held back a lot about himself and I'm sad that there's parts of him, and his history, that I'll never know. It's a stark contrast to my relationship with my mom who is very in the moment about sharing her thoughts and feelings.

    Gilead felt like fatherhood to me, from the receiving end. But, not being father myself, I'm curious how it feels to a father. Did you relate to it?

    And, in the US, it's Father's Day so happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!

    by Anxious-Fun8829

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