September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Can anyone please recommend some books that are similar to the conversational element of The Screwtape Letters? What I love most about that book (kinda tough to really narrow it down to most lovable thing about this gem) is the fact that we, the audience only get one side of the story. But we're able to piece together what Wormwood must have last said to his uncle, based on the response.

    That aspect of the book brings to mind Shelly Berman's old standup comedy telephone routines. See "The Morning After The Night Before" (if you like that sort of thing).

    That Screwtape is such a thoroughly unlikable jerk doesn't hurt anything. His pomposity is what makes me adore him and want to hear more from him, because under that arrogance and that glee in doing harm, there is a whole lot of truth about human behavior. Please don't get me wrong- I don't cherish this book because of its Christian message, no. That part of it is what appeals to me the least.

    But I would love to find more books like this one where the focus is on two characters, having a conversation about something that makes tons of sense to the two of them, but which is maybe a little disturbing… maybe a little crazy, even. The dark undertone of TST is vastly appealing to me but it's the mentorship from Screwtape to Wormwood that I personally get the most out of.

    Kind of reminds me of Tyler Durden talking to The Narrator, a smidge. See the conversation on the plane scene from the Brad Pitt movie (if you like that kind of thing).

    So, I ask you- ya got any handy suggestions? It doesn't have to be fiction, necessarily. Someone suggested The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule but even though it's sort of interesting subject-matterwise (Bundy… meh), it's not exactly what I'm looking for.

    It's the conversation between two antiheros that I'm searching for more than anything.

    Pls n thx!

    by NearDeathNancy

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