September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve found myself spending a little too much time thinking about what I’m going to read next instead of enjoying my current book.

    I thought it would help to decide everything I was going to read for the month right at the beginning (leaving some wiggle room for spontaneity).

    I think it was moderately successful but I’m wondering how common is this practice of setting a monthly schedule? Do you do it for the same reason as me or some other reason?

    by Confucius93


    1. landscapinghelp on

      I’m not that organized. I would like to slow down and reread some novels, but I have so much I want to read right now.

    2. I have very limited time to read – if I don’t make time for it, it doesn’t happen. Reading goals with set pages per day is the only way anything gets read.

    3. I don’t set any goals, except that I try to read some fiction every night, generally one or more chapters of a novel (as time and level of interest dictate) or a work of short fiction.

    4. CrazyCatLady108 on

      i don’t do a a monthly list, i do a short (10 titles at most) TBR that i source from my GIANT TBR. when it is time to pick a book i choose one from there. if a certain book has been on there for more than a few ‘choosings’ it goes back to the massive TBR. rinse. repeat.

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