September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading Twelve Years a Slave and I'm more affected by it than I initially anticipated. I'm not one that usually feels very affected by books for some reason. I can acknowledge and understand something in a book as emotional but I don't ever really feel it. I'm not sure why, but it's usually been hard for me to identify or notice any overwhelming emotion from reading, but this book was really hard to read at times. The depravity and cruelty of the slave-owners and the horrors of being whipped and being treated and seen as property has stuck in my mind. The descriptions of the inter-crossing scars and the skin tearing away from the body from the whippings was just awful. The light being taken out of Patsey's personality after being beaten so badly made me feel so terrible for her. Are there any other memoirs or really any other books that deeply affected you?

    by _SemperCuriosus_

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