July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I love love fanfictions where the author enriches canon politically and has a character navigate it. But since starting college I haven’t had time to find them and it’s a hard niche to search out anyways. Does anyone have a recommendation for a book with a main character competently navigating political intrigue? Bonus points for romance, queer elements, general diversity, and any magical/fantastical elements!

    by Outrageous_Client_69


    1. MoashRedemptionArc on

      IMO A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the hall of fame greatest fantasies with political elements and GRRM currently has 5? books out

      The Lies of Locke Lamora is a sort of fantasy heist with an extremely competent main character, it’s the first in the trilogy but imo works best as a stand alone. Not sure about politics tho tbh

      The Goblin Emperor is basically “oops all the heir apparents died and now the least favorite son is thrust onto the throne” and is probably the most obvious recommendation for you

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