July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys. I'm not much of a person who reads books. But my life is a mess. I'm in my mid 20s, I don't know what I want in life there is no clarity, no passion. (Although I have some tendencies of ADHD characteristics that apart). I finished my med grad. Been in my home 2 years studying on and off for further higher studies. Don't really if that's I want. Almost no connection with outside world. My peers moving forward in life. Not happy with anything. Poor communication even with family members. Have not been in a single relationship.

    I also tend to think this might because of my p*rn (idk if it's addiction). I use my phone a lot, a lot. So here's what I think my brain is fucked up with all the nonsense that I put inside, which makes me miserable and pathetic in every part of my life. I've this desire inside to do something passionate and work hard and don't overthink and avoid all the non productive things that i just do to kill the time. But idk how to get to that state find what i really want or what's my purpose is. So kindly suggest a book so that I can RESET/Rewire my brain for my growth, optimal self, and happiness.

    by Arckay009

    1 Comment

    1. Please help me guys. I want to improve. Whatever it is books, Youtube videos, podcasts, seminars/lectures anything. I have this fight hard desire but idk what or how to do that

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