September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Life’s been an uphill battle lately, and I need some happy, light, feel-good books. I’m not looking for a beautiful but inspiring story of someone who overcame some horrific background. I’m not looking for anything where the dog dies, the husband cheats, or someone has cancer. I’m not looking for a book where someone “bravely faces” anything. I’m not trying to find a serial killer or unravel a mystery before time runs out. Nope. I want sprinkles and fluff, but hopefully reasonably well written. I want to giggle and feel like everything is ok, at least for today. I’m open to any genre, but not a generic romance that follows a stock plot line. Throw in something tropical or beachy and you’ll have my undying gratitude. Does such a book even exist? I hope so.

    by SunnyShoreLife

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