September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started a series that I initially liked. Not naming it, so I don't spoil it for others, I'll just say it is a post-apocalyptic story about an EMP taking all the power out and the chaos that ensues. It started out great, I liked the characters, the story was interesting, I like the way the good guys took care of each other, and the bad guys lose in the end.

    Except, the series went on and on and on. I am now on book 6, and it's like a repeat, just a different group of bad guys to fight. And then I realize this isn't the end of the story, there is one more left. 🙁 The author even wrote some non-primary novels to go with the 7 primary novels.

    I like duologies, I like trilogies, but some of these series are too damn long! This story could have been cut down to fit into 3 books. How many bad guys do you need to fight? Over and over and over again?

    Not all the time of course, but sometimes I feel a series is ruined if it goes on for too long.

    by wolfincheapclothing9

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