September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, my friend is a 30 something woman who only reads who done it or murder mystery, crime thrillers, and the odd romance and feels like they’ve read most of the good ones.

    I feel there’s a huge swath of books that she won’t touch due to sci fi or fantasy labels, she thinks it’s all rubbish.

    She has let me pick one book that she will read, what’s the best book to break that mental wall?

    by Adammmufasa


    1. I’d have to think if it’s the “one” book to recommend, but if she loves mystery/crime stuff, an entree to sci fi could be the Robot series from Asimov. It’s definitely sci fi, but they’re all (starting with *Caves of Steel*) focused on a detective and his robot partner. It would be a way for her to keep the crime/mystery parts while easing into the sci fi parts.

    2. If I’d have to recommend to someone who has never read any sci-fi, I’d go with Andy Weir. Both The Martian or Project Hail Mary are good choices, fun books and easy recommendations

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