October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to read a book that has a place to be and knows exactly the right plot and character beats to get there.

    I have read so many loose and “vibey” fantasy stories lately that have sort of meandered their way through the story to kind of get to a halfhearted point. I don’t want more of this right now (although there is a place for those). I want a book that has a strong sense of direction and really sticks the landing. I want to feel narratively satisfied at the end of the book (even if the ending is sad or ambiguous).

    I love sci fi, fantasy, speculative fiction, and historical fiction most, but might make an exception for another genre as long as it is not boring.

    I have a bit of a preference for female authors but as long as your recommendation is generally normal about women, I’m on board for whatever.


    by IReadBooksSometimes


    1. LukasKhan_UK on

      Tom Clancy – Without Remorse
      Tom Clancy – Rainbow Six

      Both Thrillers. Clancy at his absolute peak

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