July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    so i went to books a million and i kept switching from every genre and i left with nothing because i just flat out don’t know what i’m looking for!😂😭 i want something that has like a fairy vibe (does that make sense?) like another world/dimension with like dragons or other creatures. maybe something a little scary? something with hints of romance but not too much to where it’s corny. a little depressing would be nice but nothing about grief— like i don’t want anyone to die. ugh i’m a mess can anyone help? i feel like there’s a book itch that i can’t scratch ☠️

    by Mushroom-house1984


    1. Are there any books you already like? That could give us a good idea of what to recommend.

    2. novel-opinions on

      {{The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune}}. Not fairies, but “magical beings” nonetheless (sprites, gnomes, shapeshifters). Revolves around a (human) case worker who works for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, DICOMY, who takes on a “highly classified orphanage” case with some interesting kids. Not horror/scary though.

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