October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Basically the title. I’m looking for book where a good portion of the story is about a male x male couple, with angst and/or toxicity. Dark fiction is encouraged, but horror is fine too.

    Most recent reads that kind of fall under these are “A Wanting Life,” about an old priest who reminisces on a fling he had in a summer in Italy when he was young, and how he regrets leaving, and “A Strange and Stubborn Endurance,” and arranged marriage story where one husband helps the other recover from past SA.

    I’d prefer no series, but I’ll take them if recommended.
    Thank you in advance!

    by eggpng


    1. Caleb_Trask19 on

      Perhaps Hawk Mountain?

      Have you read Dennis Cooper? His stuff may go further a field then what you want.

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