October 2024
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    1. Book People by Emily Henry tackle’s the urban rural divide. The setting is rural and it’s painted very positively. The end conclusion is that both urban and rural areas are nice places and it’s different strokes for different folks

      Funny Story by Emily Henry is about a woman who relocates from the city to a small town in Michigan and paints life there very positively

      The Switch by Beth O’Leary features a grandmother living in the country and her 20-something granddaughter in London who decide to switch homes for a few months. Both locations are portrayed positively

      Where The Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek- it’s a minor theme, but the main character is contrasted to her best friend who dreams of moving from their town to the city. The main character’s like “lol why? Our town is amazing.” The main character’s relationship with her home town is complicated over the course of the novel, but it’s never in favor the urban. Rurality is consistently held in a positive light

    2. Pretty much all of Wendell Berry’s fiction. He doesn’t hide the warts, but his sympathies have always been with farmers and others living in rural areas. Hannah Coulter is a good book to start with but you can jump in anywhere with his books and stories.

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