September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’d like to read a good novel about hostages, negotiations and similar situations. Can be set during a robbery, a heist or any situation really; what’s important is that you find it a great book!

    Sorry if this is unsettling to anyone because of the war in Gaza.

    by evroniano


    1. Depends if you want something that mirrors what is happening now, ie really stark and brutal – or perhaps something that is less harrowing and more character-driven, but still has that situation at its heart.

      If the latter, then Bel Canto by Ann Patchett could be of interest. It’s a brilliant book but it’s not about revelling in misery and gore, it’s about how relationships evolve in a difficult situation.

    2. Anxious People by Fredrick Backman? Idk if this is too weird/humorous for what you’re looking for

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