September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi!! I am a part of a book club at work. We are looking for a new book for next month. We are looking for something creepy, spooky, or scary for the Halloween season. It does not have to be Halloween themed, preferably a thriller!!

    The ones we have in our suggestions right now are:

    Never Lie by Frieda McFadden

    The Only One Left by Riley Sager

    Till We Become Monsters by Amanda Headlee

    Does anyone have any other good recommendations or opinions on the books listed??

    Edit: Fixed formatting

    by thatcheesegirl


    1. RadioactiveBarbie on

      I just finished Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison, it is horror excellent. It is about a cult and perfect for this time of year. I would not classify it as super scary, more unsettling.

      As far as thrillers, I would throw in The Locked Door by Freida McFadden, it’s definitely my favorite of hers.

    2. I can’t rave enough about *The Turn of the Key* by Ruth Ware! It’s so perfectly atmospheric and creepy. I think it’d be perfect for a book club 🙂

      Re. the list in your post- I *really* don’t like Riley Sager. I feel like his pseud (real name is Todd) was chosen to deliberately mislead readers into thinking he’s a woman. He’s also just really bad at writing female characters and once you know the author is a man it becomes clear that he’s one of those “man writing women” men whose female characters are all flat and flimsy.

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