September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I’m looking for a good adventure book. It doesn’t have to be fantasy, but I would accept fantasy. Just any book that will take me on an adventure or any book with a Hero’s Journey. Please don’t suggest any YA books. Thanks!!

    by RealisticBeginning23


    1. deep-sea-nomad on

      Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher – It’s described as an adult fantasy/fairytale story with a dark undertone. All characters are older as well. I read it this year and I found it quite enjoyable. It’s about a woman that goes on a quest to save her sister. I heard the other T. Kingfisher books are also quite enjoyable, but I haven’t read them.

      Also there are the Classics like Lord of the Rings.

      I also quite enjoyed the “His Dark Materials” series by Philip Pullman, but this would probably classify as YA.

    2. Tragic_Carpet_Ride on

      Macunaima: The Hero Without Any Character by Mario de Andrade, a fun Brazilian classic based on Amazonian mythology

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