October 2024
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    It's funny that this book was ahead of its time. It's just that when there are such works as "I'm not Starfire" and "Velma", where the "cool" heroines are represented by annoying, overweight teenagers, this book ridiculed such heroines, although it was published in 2011.

    I like the way hell is represented here. Everything that is thrown to the ground or thrown out goes to hell, that's why there is a pit of vomit and clipped nails. The currency here is sweets. "Milkyway" is considered a bribe here. And you can also go to hell for any mistake, even the smallest one.

    There is no plot here. The heroine goes to hell, and then walks through it with the other dead. Throughout the book, the protagonist will tell us how cool it is in hell, that there are a lot of celebrities here and that you get here, not to heaven. And it's funny, especially at the end, when the author himself appears in the form of Satan and tells her that he invented her to lure more people to hell.

    I also like how Chuck made fun of hypocrisy with the help of the main character's parents, because they always contradicted themselves. They could say they were greenpeace, but they did everything that proves the opposite.

    The main character is a joke. She keeps repeating that she is not stupid, that she understands the meaning of many words that she uses in the wrong way, while she died because she thought that a French kiss (or whatever it was mentioned) is when you are strangled. They also show us that she is so cool that she destroys tyrants who have gone to hell, that in fact she should have gone to heaven. It all sounds so funny that I laughed at it.

    Palahniuk's writing style is good. He writes easily, and his hooligan style adds to the comicality of what is happening. But I didn't like how many times the heroine told us, "I may be like this, but I understand it …". I understand that this makes sense, but it still somehow don't helps.

    This funny book, which in an ironic way tells the story of a "not like everyone else" girl.

    by mystery5009

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