September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’ve been enjoying Japanese books recently. Before I discovered my love for it my reading was rather Euro and America centered. I’d love to read some African, South American, more Asian, etc. Lit. (:
    I’d like the translation to be semi easy to understand. English is not my first language and Joyce or Woolf are a bit difficult to give a picture of my level. Even Austen is hard.

    I’d love some recs<3. They can be feminist books too, I’ve had a curiosity for feminism recently. But I’d love to read some fiction. (:

    by Shepherdsatan


    1. African:
      – _Nervous Conditions_ by Tsitsi Dangarembga
      – _The Joys of Motherhood_ by Buchi Emecheta

      – _The Rice Mother_ by Rani Manicka
      – _The Vegetarian_ by Han Kang
      – _The Palace of Illusions_ by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

      – _The Swan Book_ by Alexis Wright

      Latin American:
      – _The Inhabited Woman_ by Gioconda Belli
      – _Thing We Lost in the Fire_ by Mariana Enríquez

      All of these explore feminist themes, and are great stories.

    2. onceuponalilykiss on

      I think *Things Fall Apart* is an excellent starter for African lit, and it’s written in English to start so that helps.

      As for South American lit I think the definitive book is *100 Years of Solitude* though it’s kind of hard to read maybe. *Pedro Paramo* is shorter and easier, while *House of Spirits* is a woman’s take.

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